"The Little Star That Could" is a story about an average yellow star searching for planets of his own to warm and protect. On his journey, our little star meets other stars, and learns what makes a star special. He discovers that stars occur in groups and form galaxies. Eventually, our little star finds his planets, and each of them introduces itself. This shows that an ordinary star can also be special...
For school visits, an educational package is also available with this show (which includes a workbook and reflection booklet for the students, and a teacher's booklet for supervision). It should be noted that this is only available in Dutch.
James, a curious penguin, sets out from the South Pole on a journey around the world. At the North Pole he meets Vladimir the polar bear. Both wonder why the night lasts so long. To solve this mystery, they build an observatory and the space boat "Polaris". They discover many similarities but also differences with planets such as Earth, Mars and Saturn. Come along on a space journey in search of ice, light and a dark starry sky.
Two squirrels, Nino and Lilli, fantasize about a starry sky full of beautiful planets. Planets where enormous hazelnuts grow! The two little squirrels enthusiastically try to leave planet Earth in order to make their dreams come true. Leon, a wise old owl, rather leads them to his telescope. He shows them what to expect from other planets.
Hazelnuts is written for younger children, and includes visual jokes and tells an astronomical tale on their level. Topics discussed include planets in our solar system, to the birth of planet Earth, to the conditions for life to thrive. Travel through space on a quest for the biggest hazelnuts in the universe, together with Nino and Lilli!