Workshops for high school

Schools can opt to add one or more workshops to their programme in addition to (or instead of) the basic visit. Here you will find an overview of the different workshops suitable for secondary education and the corresponding teacher's guides with practical information and links to the developmental objectives, attainment targets and curriculum objectives.

Beisbroek 76

Planet Trail

In the beautiful Beisbroek domain that surrounds the Cozmix visitors' centre, you can take a walk through a scale model of the solar system. The planets are represented by sculptures of Jef Claerhout. Every step you take is equivalent to 9 million kilometres! The planet trail starts in front of the entrance of Cozmix and the Nature Centre, at the height of the sun, next to the sundial. The actual distance is 835 metres and the path takes you past all the planets, the asteroid belt, Pluto and the Ice Dwarfs. Walk along the planetary path and experience that the distance from the Sun to Neptune is 30 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun!

Not only the distance between the planets is shown on a scale, but also the size of the planets. This scale is different from that of the distances, as the planets would otherwise be minuscule spheres. Here, 10 centimetres correspond to 18 000 kilometres. Each planet is also represented by its mythological figure. For example, the planet Venus is represented by the Goddess of Love. Fancy this trek through the solar system? Then be sure to bring your walking shoes to Cozmix.
Teacher's guide (dutch)
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Programming Mars rovers

At the observatory, 5 Mars rovers can be programmed via tablet or laptop to carry out tasks or experiments on a Mars landscape. In small groups we program in a simple way with LegoMindstorm movements and measurements, which are continuously tested and adjusted. This can range from tracing routes on the landscape to the use of sensors (colour, pressure, light, gyroscope, distance). The activities can be adapted depending on the pupils' prior knowledge. This workshop can also be carried out without any knowledge of programming. All materials are available on site. Maximum 20 participants per workshop.

Teacher's guide (dutch)
Kometen brouwen 2021

Making Comets

Comets have fascinated us since time ancient times. But what exactly are they? In this workshop, we try to unravel the secrets of comets.
After some introductory experiments to get a better idea of our own solar system. It's time for the real thing: we'll build our own comet! With all the ingredients, including frozen CO2 gas, we will build our own comet and see what it really looks like... Prepare yourself for a few surprises!
Gloves on, safety goggles on... action! Maximum 24 participants per workshop.

Teacher's guide (dutch)
Raket lanceren

Launching Rockets

During the workshop 'Launching rockets' we learn how the rockets we are going to build work, and how to make them. Concepts like gravity, air resistance, centre of gravity and pressure point are explained through experiments. After that, we build a miniature rocket ourselves. The rockets have to be put together properly, of course, but they can also be decorated. To finish off, they are launched. Which rocket goes the highest, the furthest?

Teacher's guide (dutch)
Thumb Weer Klimaat 76463

Weather and climate

With this workshop, we try to describe the elements of the weather, present its research, clarify differences between weather and climate and address current topics such as global warming. We use data from the digital weather station on the tower and take a look at the sundial and the old weather station outside. In small groups, we go outside with our backpacks and bundles to discover the current weather with our own measuring instruments. This workshop can be requested at the 2nd and 3rd grade primary school level, as well as at the 1st grade secondary school level. We visualise the course of the seasons, the system sun - earth - moon and corresponding events (eclipses, moon phases). In conclusion, you may receive additional information about the climate on other planets and the habitable zone around other stars.

Teacher's guide (dutch)

Life on other planets

The workshop 'Life on other planets' teaches us what conditions or building blocks are needed for life as we know it today. Is there life on other planets in the universe? What could it look like? What are the chances of extraterrestrial life in our own solar system? Via a quartet game, we take a critical look at some objects and their possibilities.

Teacher's guide (dutch)
Nasa Yj1 M5ri C Kk4 unsplash


With the help of an interactive quiz, the pupils learn all about space travelers. They get to experience at first hand the tests that an astronaut has to endure. Once in the ISS, life is completely different. It will be a journey from A to Z.

Teacher's guide (dutch)


There are versions of the spectroscopy workshop for the second and third grade of secondary education.
For the second grade, we start from optics. Light breaks into different components when it passes through a prism. But what does this mean? What information is hidden in that light? This is clearly explained by means of exercises and a practical session with a real spectroscope. But what is it used for in astronomy? Types of stars and spectral classes are discussed, and light gradually reveals some of its secrets.
The third degree also starts from optics, but soon emission and absorption are introduced. What does this mean in concrete terms? Photons appear to be the main culprit. How does that translate into spectral lines? We also look at their significance for astronomy. The various spectral classes are discussed in detail, with the Balmer series as the crowning glory. All this is spiced up with exercises and practicals using various spectral lamps and spectroscopes.

Teacher's guide (dutch)